Some of our featured Courses

BASP Outdoor Emergency First Aid certificated courses
£160 non-residential.
Please contact BASP for dates/to book
BASP 1st Aid courses will be run at Glencoe Outdoor Centre in February until April 2025.
A 16 hour, practical, scenario-based course designed as an introduction to first aid in an outdoor or remote environment. Recognised by all UK National Governing Body Awards.
The course is very practical and the Trainer uses a mixture of outdoor scenarios to simulate injuries found in a variety of outdoor incidents. During these scenarios, you experience being a first responder and a casualty giving a more rounded learning experience.

RYA Day Skipper Theory (shore based) certificated course
£375 non-residential Please enquire for dates.
The syllabus for this course covers the following: seamanship, coastal navigation and pilotage, chart work, electronic charts, position fixing, plotting a course to steer, weather forecasting and meteorology, tides, collision regulations.
The RYA describe the anticipated ability of the student following the course as follows: "possess the background knowledge to skipper a small yacht in familiar waters by day".
Contact office@glencoeoutdoorcentre.org.uk
or call us on 01855 811350.

Glencoe Outdoor Centre is an RYA Recognised Training Centre
We offer comprehensive RYA training and qualifications. Whether you have never set foot on a yacht or dream of skippering your own yacht, we can help you take the next step.
RYA Practical cruising courses: RYA Start Yachting; RYA Competent Crew; RYA Day Skipper; RYA Coastal Skipper and RYA Yacht Master Off-Shore preparation course.
RYA Shore based courses: RYA Day Skipper/Watch Leader theory; RYA Coastal Skipper/ RYA Yacht Master Off-Shore theory.

SU Watersports & Mountain Biking holidays
29th June to 5th July 2025 - £505
Water sports “This holiday focusses on the skills and experiences to be gained in dinghy sailing and paddlesports within the iconic environment of Glencoe and Loch Leven. With Royal Yachting Association or Scottish Canoe Association qualifications to work towards over five action packed days, we're working on skills in solo and group crafts in canoes, kayaks and SUPs, enjoy lunch on the beach and take our new skills into new adventures as we journey within the sea loch".
Mountain Biking "Perfectly based for visits to a range of mountain biking locations, this holiday is for those already committed to Mountain Biking and eager to enjoy a very active time together. We'll have a great time at trail centres such as Nevi Range and Laggan Wolftrax as well as some cross-country routes nearer the centre.
Red trail biking
Participants need to be confident on UK trail centre red graded trails and fit enough to spend 5 consecutive days riding for a minimum of 4 hours. They should also be looking to progress their bike handling skills to ride faster and safer and to tackle more technical features such as drops and jumps. This event is not for you if you’re wondering if you like mountain biking".
Blue trail biking
Participants need to already enjoy mountain biking and have progressed beyond relatively flat, wide and smooth trails with gentle climbs, descents, rollers and berms, and now want to develop your skills and confidence to take in some red trails at the end of the week.
Cost includes all equipment hire. We join with the watersports campers to share accommodation, meals and our times exploring the Bible making for a great mix to the week.
Subject to approval from our instructors, participants can use their own bike and/or helmet, gloves, eye protection etc but the hire of all equipment is included in the holiday."

SU Yachting 2nd to 9th August 2025 - £830
Dunstaffnage - Sail away this summer around the crystal waters of the Inner Hebrides. Experience sail cruising and living aboard the yachts. Plenty of time to relax, make friends and explore some of the islands we visit. With only two yachts, spaces are limited, so don't miss this adventure!
On this holiday there will be the opportunity to work towards achieving your RYA Competent Crew certificate plus you could also combine this trip with your Duke Of Edinburgh residential.